As the coronavirus continues to keep the world hostage, working from home has become the new normal. Everyone is sharing their home-stations on Instagram and by the looks of the current situation, this will be their workspaces for a while longer.
However, let us face it! Managing work during COVID has become a challenge that very few of us are speaking out on. Maybe because of the lack of solutions at the moment. What once was two separate lives with a fine boundary in between, has merged and now we are struggling to make both works for us and our loved ones.
Now with teams dispersed and project deadlines looming on our heads, workflow management has become one of the biggest hurdles. With so many emails, work/client calls, paper-work for many, and team meetings to look forward to – effectively managing it all without letting it consume your whole day is the COVID-day challenge. #COVIDWorkDayChallenge?
However, with a little self-discipline, focus, and tips – your workflow can be managed effectively. Let’s dive into the ways you can make your workday from home a bliss rather than a nightmare.
1) Communication Is The Key
Communication has always been a vital ingredient for making anything work. Now, amid the pandemic, it is more crucial than ever. If you are not transparent and openly communicating with your teammates and higher-ups, you are creating barriers for yourself. Do not be afraid to hit the call button on Zoom or Meet and discuss anything that requires attention.
Clear communication is even more important when you are dealing with strict deadlines and complex projects. If the team isn’t on the same page or the lead is unaware of the potential roadblocks, it’s not just the project that is going to fail.
Since we are all working from the comfort of our homes, connecting with our peers can take a back-seat as we unknowingly adjust into the new normal.
2) Address Complex and Tough Tasks First
The best way to go about this situation is by prioritizing your tasks first thing in the morning and start with the toughest one. It is the basic rule of thumb. Not only you are energized in the morning and feeling fresh, but you also have the mindset to tackle tough tasks. Especially when working from home, you would need to stop procrastinating and hit your daily work goals.
This way, you will be able to complete your work within designated hours and clock-out with all completed tasks.
3) Make Use of The Available Tools
At this point, it is obvious how technology has become the focal point allowing businesses to survive this pandemic. However, there are several tools that weren’t being made use of on a large scale-up till now; the collaboration tools for example.
During these uncertain times and remote working, we need tools and software solutions that would elevate the quality of work. Considering how the novel virus might loom over us for a couple of years to come, it is best to be prepared accordingly.
For starters, given the urgency, we can on building workflow management systems. From streamlining all the tasks for each teammate, keeping tabs on progress, to identifying areas of improvement – a workflow management system can do wonders for remote teams and managers.
You don’t even have to break a sweat and simply look for a software development company in Houston that is well-versed with such solutions to make one for your organization.
All in all, collaboration and management tools have become a necessity for smooth operations during COVID.
4) Take Those Breaks
It is necessary that you prioritize taking breaks during work. We may not feel the burn out since our environment has become cozy and familiar, but we still very much need them. If you are a manager or a boss, then encourage those instead of expecting them to invest more.
Once you feel energized and refreshed, you can get back to your makeshift desk with renewed energy. If you are like me, then I suggest you add those breaks in your to-do list as well so you don’t forget to take a breather. Yes, I need reminders for that too!
5) Invest in Training Sessions
As a manager, boss, or lead, you need to understand the severity of this change in your work dynamic and how it may be challenging for your employees. For this, you should actively seek online training sessions that are led by consultants, professionals, and concerned personnel on how to manage work during COVID.
Training sessions and workshops are your way of making sure your workforce is adequately equipped with the knowledge and wisdom to be more productive. All this investment in them will only reap great rewards for your own business. So it is best to take that extra step in these hard times and make sure your employees are on top of their game.
6) Measure Your Productivity
Clearing out your tasks isn’t the only measure of how productive you were. It is also the quality of the entire process. How well you managed tricky situations, tasks, or problems; how less distracted were you; did you manage to complete the task in due time or delayed it.
Once your own personal metrics are set, you can start gauging your progress daily and start analyzing where you need to work the most. This is great for your workflow management. You see, everything ties together, once you start working on improving your work ethics while being at home, your workflow management improves automatically. And this is why you are here reading this in the first place. Right?
So, What Did We Learn?
Your Workflow can become a burden during the pandemic if you don’t take necessary measures. Not only your performance and mental health is affected but the business you are supporting also takes a negative hit. So, take adequate breaks, measure your productivity, automate your workflow through necessary tools, communicate properly and frequently, and lastly, tackle complex tasks first. Good luck!
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